Homemade Baby Boy 3D Baby Shower Gift

Homemade Baby Boy 3D Baby Shower Gift and Thank You Card Set

So I finally did it….I created a baby gift from scratch for a baby shower. I have been hestitant up to this point to make the entire gift and. More importantly, I’ve been hesitant to give thank you cards as THE gift. But I let loose and got to creating. I love it when everything comes together.

Here are pictures of the thank you cards and the pocket card that contained them!

baby boy baby shower pocket card - the front and side

baby boy baby shower pocket card - the front and side

Ok, what do you think so far? The words “baby boy” on the front are made from Microsoft Word. I created wordart that allowed for hollow letters so I could color them with my copics. And the airplane is a stamp that I cut out – not a die cut. It’s from a set I bought at a garage sale for $3! I love a good deal. It’s from Little Yellow Bicycle – SWS-104 Baby Boy.

Back and side of baby boy pocket card

Back and side of baby boy pocket card

Now, here’s the back and side of the card. The name Logan was created with my Cuttlebug and Soph Alpha set from QuicKutz. The ovals are Spellbinders. I also created the polka dot white paper with the Cuttlebug. And the clouds, well, they’re from an old template that you sponge around.

Believe it or not, I spent quite some time measuring and calculating to figure out how wide the pocket card should be. I calculated for too long, in fact. But it all worked out. I knew I wanted to do a cloud motif because that’s what I did for the cards.

I say, that’s what “I” did for the cards, but I actually had help from my friend Rebecca. She and I sat down and brainstormed the card and cranked out 12 of them in one evening. Later I tweaked the cards (because more is better!). Then I created the pocket card to contain the greeting cards.


Side view of Baby Boy pocket card

Side view of Baby Boy pocket card

Ok, here’s the last side, the closure. Very important component for a pocket card this size! I decided to use blue sheer ribbon as the closure. I contemplated lots of things but worried that the transparancy might break . So, I attached ribbon around the card. I actually weaved it in and out of the front, side and back panels by cutting slits before finally having it come out near the edge. I then covered the slits and weaving with the light blue and white decorative panels.

I also attached a little heart card with my name inside it as the gift tag. The light blue heart opens up like a locket. It’s not real obvious that it’s the card, so next time I might do something a bit more obvious.

As you can see, I used acetate / transparency to create the pocket so you can see the contents! How much fun is that?!

Your first glance at the inside the baby boy pocket card

Your first glance at the inside the baby boy pocket card

Isn’t this  fun! Here’s the inside of the pocket card! Obviously, the left is a little baby boy t-shirt and on the right is the pocket full of thank you cards and envelopes. I had a big chunck of navy blue in the center / spine. I thought it was kind of boring, so I created a cloud panel for there. Which lead me to my next great idea…

an empty baby boy pocket card

an empty baby boy pocket card

Since the pockets are made of acetate, I couldn’t resist making a cloud motif behind each pocket. It serves to conceal how the transparency is attached to the card, it reinforces the pocket and it looks good! Function before form! =) I really love that when the mother to be takes out the contents, the pocket card still looks good. And she could use it to store baby treasures later, if she wants.

Before I show more pictures of the card, a note on the pocket card. I used a scor-pal to create this project. I can’t imagine stamping without it. But, I find that scoring acetate is tricky. It leaves a mark, but doesn’t leave a deep enough crease. My husband saw me struggling with the acetate score line and suggested I use my thin metal ruler to score the piece. Oooh, I could kiss him, and probably did. The ultra thin metal ruler I have is thinner than the scor-pal tool and sturdier enough to put a solid deep crease in the acetate. It’s almost as easy as folding paper! A butter knife might work as well.

Baby Boy Thank You Card

Baby Boy Thank You Card

On to the card! Many thanks to my friend Rebecca for her help in designing and creating the 12 thank you baby boy greeting cards.

As mentioned I tweaked it afterwards. I sponged some blue in the center of the oval and added the word baby to the bottom left.

Oh, and should thank my husband for his suggestion of adding yellow. He wanted a yellow plane. I wasn’t so sure about that. Rebecca suggested the stars be yellow. So, there’s team work for ya!

I also added a little blue gem to the circle on the tail of the plane. The stamp has a little white circle so I felt it needed to be filled with bling! =)

Oh, and almost forgot, the thank you swirl is a stamp from stampendous!

Inside the baby boy thank you card

Inside the baby boy thank you card

Last but not least is a picture of the inside of the thank you card. Just a couple little clouds for interest.

I just realized that I didn’t stamp on the envelopes! I hesitate to decorate envelopes because the ink I use is not waterproof. So I hate to see them smear. But stamped envelopes would have been adorable. Next time!

Speaking of inks, I used Distress ink from Tim Holtz collection for this card. I used it on the airplane as well as sponging for the clouds and distressing.

Hope you enjoy this pocket card and that it inspires you to make a baby gift for your next baby shower!


  1. Helen said,

    August 21, 2009 at 17:05

    It sure is a beautiful gift much better than a receiving blanket. You are so thoughtful to give these gifts. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Vickie said,

    November 2, 2009 at 00:55

    This is…I’m sppeechless! and apparently stutter typing-I am so impressed! Logan hang onto this card-it will be worth something some day:-)

  3. Anonymous said,

    January 24, 2012 at 19:53

    nice i cant do tht

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