Scratch ‘n Sniff Giraffe Birthday

Scratch ‘n Sniff Giraffe Birthday Card

I needed a birthday card quick for a newphew who’s 5ish. Not sure why it had to be so quick. It was already late…would another day or two matter? Does the fact that it’s scratch ‘n sniff make up for the simple design? I think so.

Mmmm...grape scented spots!

Mmmm...grape scented spots!

I really wanted to add ribbons to this. I probably could have gotten away with raffia under the spots. Didn’t try it. Wanted to keep it masculine!

I am using a technique I recently learned from Michelle Zindorf. You need to check out her tutorials. She is AMAZING. There is a lot of cute stuff out there…but I’m telling you, this gal is an artist! She turns every non-embossing inkpad into an embossing inkpad by simply first getting her stamp wet with a clear embossing pad, then stamping it on a color inkpad. I love it.

After wetting the giraffe in a generic clear embossing pad, I stamped onto my chocolate chip SU inkpad. Then stamped the giraffe on the card and covered with my grape kool-aid / embossing powder mixture. To learn how to make  scratch ‘n sniff, see my scratch and sniff garden post. So, the giraffe and spots look brown and smell like grape!

I distressed the edges of the paper with Tim Holtz distress ink. His blog is AMAZING as well. I know I just said that about someone else…but really, Tim is fantastic! Tim has some really awesome videos…worked on me! I bought all his inkpads!

If I recreate this card…I’m definitely going to work in some ribbon!


  1. Rebecca said,

    June 9, 2009 at 13:09

    Thanks for passing on the embossing ink pad tip. I will certainly try that now. Also I have the embossing pen and been playing with it coloring over printed images from my printer. I’m glad to see you are still creating even though you are so busy. Have a blessed day.

  2. Vickie said,

    June 29, 2009 at 18:39

    Riley lost a tooth…this would be a perfect card to commemerate his event…hint, hint! He loves giraffes! The card is so great for a little boy or girl for that matter.

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